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I am looking for some ideas for a classroom procedure for returning graded quizzes and tests to students that minimizes lost instruction time. There must be a less time consuming way that protects student privacy than just handing back graded papers to each individual student?
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Chris C. Dale, I once agonized over this facet of classroom management for almost a week straight (and even tried different methods for various administrative classroom aspects in my pre-student teaching hours as well). There is no one size fits all approach to handing out papers as rooms are set up differently and we all teach students of different ages. A...See More
Feb 24, 2011
To Chris C. - What type of mailboxes? I have about 130 students - what type of mailboxes/folders would you suggest. We already have hanging folders to keep a portfolio of their work. Distributing papers through the portfolio folders results in students admiring past work and/or losing papers that are needed. Any help would be appreciated.

On 2/24/11, Chris C. wrote: > Dale...See More
Feb 24, 2011
marjoryt This might not work for elementary school, but it worked well for my students. I had the plastic storage boxes for hanging folders (handy to take home when there were many papers), and then color coded each class - red for 7th grade, blue for 8th grade, etc. Within the color group, each student had a hanging folder. When my students were busy on in...See More
Feb 24, 2011
Prof. Howard Seeman On 2/23/11, Dale wrote: > > I am looking for some ideas for a classroom procedure for > returning graded quizzes and tests to students that > minimizes lost instruction time. There must be a less time > consuming way that protects student privacy than just > handing back graded papers to each individual student?

The best ...See More
Feb 24, 2011
GINA On 2/23/11, Jo wrote: > But Donna, that idea doesn't protect privacy which was one of > the stipulations. > > Order your papers according to your seating chart. Then all you > have to do is quickly walk around the room and hand each student > the paper. Some elementary teachers use number systems and you > could have students l...See More
May 22, 2011

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