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Hello all, I am writing to you in this forum because I am curious about some of your best practices for dealing with social cliques within the classroom and/or athletic teams/school clubs that you’ve taught/coached/supervised. As a teacher and coach myself, I have experienced some difficult scenarios in managing personalities where stark contrasts exist. These behaviors are more evident in middle school than they are in high school generally speaking, but exist in both levels of education at a certain capacity. My question for all of you reading this is what to do in the event that students are grouping up and segregating themselves from each other. This provides a lack of camaraderie between classmates/teammates/club members, and makes for a volatile environment which no teacher should encourage.
Donna Kosloff In my classroom I change around seating often and learning groups accordingly. I also assign students who don't normally work together to work together on a project for the month. With monthly projects you have an environment from the beginning that invites variety and helps students to learn to appreciate a partner in a different light.

...See More
Feb 23, 2011
Kim In the classroom: YOU assign the seats to the students, not the other way around. If you use cooperative learning groups, YOU assign the group members, DO NOT let them choose their own groups. Make RESPECT your #1 classroom rule. Model it for them in your interactions with them. Choose appropriate consequences for violating this rule. In clubs/team...See More
Feb 23, 2011
todd Kim, It's great that you made the students and parents sign the contract. Can you share some of the positives and or negatives that came with all this drama? todd

On 2/23/11, Kim wrote: > In the classroom: YOU assign the seats to the students, not > the other way around. If you use cooperative learning > groups, YOU assign the g...See More
Feb 23, 2011
Tracy A. Hi Chris,

I don't know if this happens as much with boys as it does with girls, but I have had to deal with this on my girls volleyball team and in the classroom with girls. I, being pretty competitive, love being an athlete and part of a team! I tried to tell my players that they don't have to be friends outside of school, but on the cou...See More
Feb 24, 2011
D. McCarty Chris,

I coach football at the collegiate level and we do a lot of team building activities to get our guys to know each other better which in turn makes them care about each other more. We talk to our team all the time about this importance of building relationships throughout their lifes. I'll share some of the things we do to maybe spa...See More
Feb 24, 2011

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