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Dear Colleagues, I am writing this post to ask for your assistance. I am a postgraduate student in Russian institute in Saint- Petersburg. I am about to write my thesis concerning Distance learning and E-learning in foreign education. I investigate theories, experience, problems and their solutions concerning using ICT in distance learning. What I need to do is to concretize the exact topic of my study. So this is what I would like you to help me with. Please, share your thoughts and experience about the topics that are very actual in your country concerning distance learning, E-learning or using ICT in learning process. For instance, to my mind, “learner-centered principles in distance learning” is quite interesting topic to investigate. Is it topical in your country? Is this topic well investigated or there are still some categories to investigate? Please, write me about this or give me any other tips of what topics concerning ICT will be interesting to investigate because of the...See More
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marjoryt From my own pespective, your topic seems qualitative, not quantative in nature: I don't see how you could collect statistical data, only the impressions of your students. I suggest discussing that issue with your academic advisors, to make sure your topic will fit the criteria.

I teach in the classroom, online and hybrid environments for ...See More
Mar 1, 2011
Nikita Migushev Hi, marjoryt!

Thanks a lot for such a well-detailed comment.

Your opinion is very important for me.

It is true that the topic devoted to "using learner-centered principles in distance learning" is qualitative, because there is quite little information about it. So the research will be based on the results of the experimen...See More
Mar 2, 2011
Steve On 3/02/11, Nikita Migushev wrote: > Hi, marjoryt! > > Thanks a lot for such a well-detailed comment. > > Your opinion is very important for me. > > It is true that the topic devoted to "using learner-centered principles > in distance learning" is qualitative, because there is quite little > information about it. So the r...See More
Mar 2, 2011
Nikita Migushev Hi, Steve!

I apologize for slow response and thank you for your attention to this topic, this is really important for me.

Here is what I would like to say concerning your questions:

What I am doing right now is trying to clearly formulate the theme of my research. I am looking at different directions that the investigatio...See More
Mar 6, 2011
Steve LCP in distance > learning seems interesting for me because it really > looks like this can make distance learning more > effective.

How can it make it more effective? Can you operationalize any of the 14 Principles? I need a concrete example to understand.

If we speak about the 14 Learner-Centered > Principles of the ...See More
Mar 6, 2011

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