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I am looking for advice about students who are not afraid of going to the office. I have a student who is often a behavior issue. The problem is that he doesn't fear the office because sending him there very rarely ends in any sort of repercussion for him. He will often act up and then ask if I will send him to the office. He doesn't want to try, and I think is worried that the work will be hard so he looks for an escape.

By the way, calling home has been no help either.
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Sara On 3/14/11, md wrote: > I am looking for advice about students who are not afraid > of going to the office. I have a student who is often a > behavior issue. The problem is that he doesn't fear the > office because sending him there very rarely ends in any > sort of repercussion for him. He will often act up and > then ask if I wi...See More
Mar 15, 2011
Leah Just a thought:

If he wants to go to the office so badly, could going to the office be used as a reward for completed work? Perhaps the principal is someone with whom he relates
Mar 16, 2011
Prof. Howard Seeman On 3/14/11, md wrote: > I am looking for advice about students who are not afraid > of going to the office. I have a student who is often a > behavior issue. The problem is that he doesn't fear the > office because sending him there very rarely ends in any > sort of repercussion for him. He will often act up and > then ask if I wi...See More
Mar 19, 2011
Robin l Fillion It's pretty obvious that these studentes want to be out of the classroom and every time you send them out, you are reinforcing the behaviors. He's being rewarding for the bad behavior by getting to leave the classroom. Think about it. You've got to find a way to ignore the problem behavior, or find a different consequence.On 3/19/11, Prof. Howard S...See More
Mar 19, 2011
Julie As a music teacher I see all 850+ children in my school. I have only a handful who clearly do not want to be there. The challenge with the kids who want to be in the office is that often times the warnings never amount to consequences. Or, if they do, the consequences are not severe enough to get their attention in a manner that motivates changing ...See More
Mar 28, 2011

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