Classroom Mgmt
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I am in grad school for an MAT and right now we are studying classroom management. While reading the chapter on the topic, something said in the 'fighting' segment confused me. The book instructs that if students begin to engage in fighting the teacher should not physically intervene, sternly command the students to stop while relating consequences for their actions and ask another student to go and alert another adult. My question is do any of these strategies really work? They don't sound effective. I remember in grade school fights were usually broken up by students so...I don't see how teachers can be effective following these rules. Like, what would be the point of asking a student to get another teacher if that teacher is also unable to physically intervene or do anything but what the original teacher has already done? I was just wondering, do these strategies really work or do teachers resort to other methods to break up fights? Thank you
you're right! On 3/17/11, Brandi wrote: > Hello, > > I am in grad school for an MAT and right now we are studying > classroom management. While reading the chapter on the > topic, something said in the 'fighting' segment confused me. > The book instructs that if students begin to engage in > fighting the teacher should not physically interve...See More
Mar 18, 2011
Donna Kosloff Brandi,

You always want another adult present as a witness since children can say the things that may not have happened. Also, with the presence of another adult possibly the students will stop fighting feeling overpowered without any physical intervention on the part of the teacher.

On 3/17/11, Brandi wrote: > Hello, > &g...See More
Mar 19, 2011
Prof. Howard Seeman On 3/17/11, Brandi wrote: > Hello, > > I am in grad school for an MAT and right now we are studying > classroom management. While reading the chapter on the > topic, something said in the 'fighting' segment confused me. > The book instructs that if students begin to engage in > fighting the teacher should not physically interve...See More
Mar 19, 2011
Nik On 3/17/11, Brandi wrote: > Hello, > > I am in grad school for an MAT and right now we are studying > classroom management. While reading the chapter on the > topic, something said in the 'fighting' segment confused me. > The book instructs that if students begin to engage in > fighting the teacher should not physically interve...See More
Mar 30, 2011

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