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I move among classrooms, and my only storage facility is my rather small office. Since I don't work well in cluttered environments, every item is carefully weighed for its viability. Recently I got rid of the full size bookcase and have a former DVD cabinet taking up a portion of the space. Obviously there aren't as many books! A coworker asked me how I could "get rid of perfectly good books?" Here's my response:

There are good books, and there are useful books. There is also information; and information can be found in several places: from a book, from a computer's hookup to the internet, and from my cellphone's hookup to the internet. If I can find information via my computer or my cellphone, book form leaves. No longer in my office: A dictionary (available on my computer and on my cell phone). MLA style guide (I have sections downloaded on my computer and have access to current style guides on the internet). Instructor's manuals for my textbooks (downloaded on my computer a...See More

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