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It is so frustrating. I teach 9th and 10th grade science classes. I am at my wits end with the use of cell phones in my classes. I have enforced the following rules and consequences in the classroom when a student is caught using a phone in class: First time - take phone away and keep until the end of school day. Call home and explain the next time the parent will be required to pick up the phone. Second time - take the phone away. Call home and request for a parent to pick up the phone at their earliest convenience. Third time - Phone is taken away and brought to the Asst. Principal's office where a parent is called and the phone must be picked up by a parent at their earliest convenience.

The plan outlined above still doesn't work. On average, I take about 3-4 cell phones a week. I hate this part of the job. It is time consuming to call parents about this.

Does anyone have any suggestions??
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AlizaG I have a cute basket that I have on my desk - everyone, including me, puts their cellphone in it and takes it out when class is over. Needless to say they have to be turned off. One kid in my class learned that the hard way when I answered his ringing phone in a funny voice saying that Matthew could not come to the phone at the moment.
May 28, 2011
Jennifer Try using cell phones to benefit the classroom learning. Here is a website: [link removed].

One example would be you can ask the students if they feel ready for a test or what they would like more review on. Then you can help the class as a whole if their are large responses in one area, or go in and see which individuals need help in cer...See More
Jul 25, 2011
Larry I teach English grades 11 and 12 and I have found the cell phone to be a growing issue in my classroom. Though no system is perfect I have found that doing the following things can help to avoid the problem: 1) administrators and chairpersons must share in the responsibility of enforcing cell phone conduct. 2) It's essential to set an early and con...See More
Jul 31, 2011
Middle School Teacher In my opinion, there is a zero tolerance policy for cell phones in my classroom. Cell phones today can access the internet through service providers regardless of school policy, they can video tape (not permitted in school), they can record audio (not permitted in school), they can take pictures that could be posted on facebook or other online soci...See More
May 25, 2012
I take off homework points art of their homework is making sure their electronics are stashed and out of sight when the class bell rings.

Calling parents has worked well, too. Over the years, I've had a number of students whose cell phones have simply vanished after I called Mom or Dad to point out the connection between the texting all day and the lousy grades. ...See More
May 26, 2012

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