Classroom Mgmt
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Hi all!

I hope this post finds you all doing very well. I am seeking a bit of advice. I am currently taking a classroom management class in college. We have to conduct a 45 minute presentation on a given topic. My group's topic is on Gay and Lesbian students in the class room. I was wondering if anyone has dealt with this in the classroom or maybe came across so useful articles or documentaries.

Thanks, SaraPeay
In many cases you won't even know they're there On 2/08/12, SaraPeay wrote: > Hi all! > > I hope this post finds you all doing very well. I am seeking > a bit of advice. I am currently taking a classroom > management class in college. We have to conduct a 45 minute > presentation on a given topic. My group's topic is on Gay > and Lesbian students in the class room. I was won...See More
Feb 10, 2012
CA Teacher I'm not sure I understand the assignment but I suggest you post it on the main Teachers Chatboard. My sense is that not many people either read or post on this particular board (Classroom Management Chatboard). In addition, there are several gay/friendly teachers there with great things to say. (And if you do repost it there, can you clarify the ac...See More
Feb 10, 2012
William Lin I don't think you treat them differently than any other students with respect to your expectations. They shouldn't be open displays of affection in the class, as that wouldn't be allowed from a straight couple. They shouldn't have lowered academic expectations, as they are fully cognizant and capable.

If you want addition resources or det...See More
Feb 22, 2012
NR I recommend an organization called GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network). They have great resources and suggestions on how to make the classroom a safe and inclusive place for lgbt students who frequently experience verbal and physical harrassment in school. You can check out their website: [link removed]


On 2/22/12,...See More
Mar 1, 2012

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