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Just a question for all the teachers out there. My school is high minority, high poverty, and urban. We have overcrowding in our classrooms, uninterested students and parents, and very little support from administration. A large portion of our students are discipline problems. It is a frustrating place to teach. I have a question. When I walk down the halls of my school during my specials or lunch time, some classrooms I walk by seem very noisy, while other classrooms are VERY quiet. My classroom tends to be among the noisier ones, much to my chagrin. I find that a noisy classroom feels chaotic, and I do not like it. I also can't imagine kids being able to learn in that type of environment. So my question is for those teachers who have quiet classrooms - HOW do you do it?? I would attribute it to the group of kids they have, but I know better - the same teachers always have quiet kids, no matter what the group is like that they have, every year. The school year will be starting soon, a...See More
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New Jersey Sadly, I think these teachers who can keep a class moderately quiet/quiet are just born with that ability. Either you have it or you don't. Little tricks help but the fundamentals are just not there.
Aug 27, 2010
Zodea Not true! My first few years of teaching were chaotic. I had no clue what I was doing or how to control the kids.

Starting my 7th year of teaching, I find my classes are fairly quiet. Yes it's still the beginning of the year, but the kids are sure being good! Even when I allow them to work with a partner, most of the time the noise level ...See More
Aug 28, 2010
Carolyn I don't work in an inner city school, and don't have a lot of the same issues with students (behavior problems, uninvolved parents, etc), but I do want to offer an unusual concept: let them talk to each other every now and then, according to YOUR rules.

I begin my year by telling students: "My first rule is that you must not speak while I ...See More
Aug 28, 2010
William I agree that silence doesn't equate to learning. I think students should be doing a lot of turn and talks and cooperative learning. The teacher needs to do less talking and the students need to do more DOING. However, I would stress here that there needs to a TON of direction around what that looks like. What does it mean to talk productively? What...See More
Mar 4, 2012
Ann I feel very uncomfortable teaching a class in which one can hear a pin drop but I agreee that teachers do too much talking. I taught an intervention program called Reading Recovery for first graders; I was trained to barely talk at all....basically just model (with writing and manipulatives) and just respond to the child's errors. This actually wor...See More
May 24, 2012

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