Classroom Discipline
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I have a student, male 3rd grade, who will often quietly refuse to do what is asked (regarding behavior not work) then when reminded or finally given a consequence, like calmly being told to pull a ticket, he gets angry and will try to argue if I let him. He then turns off and tries to refuse to do anything that is asked of him. As long as things are going his way he is fine and we get along fine. As soon as I require something of him he doesn't want to do his whole attitude changes, and if possible he will try to walk away from me instead of talk with me. When like this he refuses to talk or answer questions. I have been told by grandparents he has an anger management issue. I have seen that, but I have also seen simple defiance to authority prior to any anger. As I said, if he doesn't want to do it he tries his best to refuse. I can usually get through most of the day before getting a bit frustrated, but it is difficult. Any ideas? He, by the way is an intelligent young man who could...See More
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Leah He, by the way is an intelligent young man who could excel if he paid more attention.

So, he is not refusing to do things because they are too hard for him. Does he live with his grandparents? What is the family situation? I agree counseling might be helpful.

Just a thought: Connecting with him might work. One on one explain the...See More
Sep 18, 2010
arizonataylor Is he acting out because things are too easy? Gifted kids often get bored easily. They feel the work is useless, so they don't do it. This leaves them with a lot of time on their hands and a large attitude. I'm sure it's not the issue, but you indicated that he is intelligent. Maybe you should have him tested for gifted.

I know this is a ...See More
Sep 18, 2010
Leah On 9/18/10, arizonataylor wrote: > Is he acting out because things are too easy? Gifted kids often > get bored easily.

For an overview of gifted students, click belo
Sep 19, 2010
Sara What was last year like? His second/first grade teachers might have insight for you and what does his file say?

This kid has issues and seeing his issue as defying authority pits you against him and him against you. Lose that look on it if you can. Why should anybody like authority by the way? Especially these days when high level authorit...See More
Sep 24, 2010
A suggested Cure I saw this situation once and walked over to the kid, smilled and said, "I'm not trying to be your boss. I'm trying to be a friend who shows you stuff that will give you a better life." The kid looked puzzled for a minute and then smilled back.
Oct 3, 2010

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