Classroom Discipline
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I recently switched schools at semester. The new class (2nd grade) I have is HORRIBLE! I'm told it's better than before. They don't listen, walk out of class, fight, swear at each other, when they are out of the class they run up and down the hallways and hide in the hallways or bathrooms...etc.

Obviously administration doesn't do much, nor do the parents. I'm not one really big on bribes, and I have had kids stealing my stuff! The school does have a school wide behavioral plan-PBIS.

Any suggestions from anyone? I've had them for 11 days and have gone over my rules, expectations, practiced routines, called parents, sent kids to office, some have gotten suspended, kept in at recess, praised good ones, removed bad ones, rewarded good ones, but am I EXPECTING too much 11 days into it????? I was told the other teacher did nothing (who knows though).

So, again...suggestions. How long do you think it should take before a class is running smoothly. Oh...the class...See More
Sara On 2/07/12, teach wrote:

Well, it's a bit since you posted - I hope things are better. A messy classroom does not help to foster order so cleaning the room is always good. 2nd graders should be able to be scared into listening but then again some 2nd graders are pretty jaded these days. How large is the class?

What's the school w...See More
Feb 14, 2012
AM Admin isn't involved? No behavior support team in place? What is up with schools saying they are using PBIS when they are doing no such thing. Not big on bribes? PBIS is a Positive Proactive Preventative program that uses rewards. I take it you have not been trained in this program. So much for the school wide program.

I just posted to a p...See More
Feb 25, 2012
David Praska it really depends on how long it has ran that way. I would give it at least a month. My suggestion is read the Harry Wong's Book "The first day of school." he gives lots of practical advice. Just remember that the incentive to do good has to be more then the incentive not to be good.

On 2/14/12, Sara wrote: > On 2/07/12, teach wrote: &g...See More
Mar 12, 2012

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