Classroom Discipline
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What kind of strategies do teachers need for classroom discipline? I need your opinion. I'm trying to learn new strategies. If your a parent or teacher please respond.
lostsuteacher Well,

I think the teacher should make sure the students understand the rules and consequences and maybe even allow students to take a sense of ownership over the rules and consequences. I also think the consequences should not be too harsh at the beginning. For instance, a student who is talking out of turn should be given a warning and n...See More
May 28, 2012
Laura I am a recently retired teacher with 35 years of teaching behind me. During those 35 years I never had any problems in the area of classroom management....I just didn't. Teaching a classroom full of kids just came naturally to me. Since my husband passed away I decided to substitute at the local elementary school. I can't believe the horrible behav...See More
May 28, 2012
lostsubteacher Laura,

I've never been an actual teacher, but I'm sort of in your boat. I've been subbing ever since I finished my program and got a teaching license. It seems like the kids are trained to disrespect the sub. It's really discouraging. I work pretty hard to get respect where I sub, but I still don't do as well as the regular teachers. I th...See More
May 30, 2012

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