Classroom Discipline
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When I was a student in our school in North Mississippi, we had a student in the 11th grade that most knew about. He was an alcoholic skitzoid. When cold sober, he was a nice guy, but, on drink and he became a "zombie killer". We had an old lady math teacher that most feared as she kept a paddle in her desk and would use it for the slightest reason. One day, I was sitting near him and saw him leaning back with his feet propped up on the desk in front of him. The teacher had a set of steps she did every day. She would walk in the side door, stop half way and pull down the girdle, step up on the platform holding her desk and get out the grade book to call the roll. That day, she stopped, looked around and barked, "(name), get your feed down." He looked up and, in a deep voice growled, "Or What?". We gasped. She reached in her desk and got out her paddle. She barked, "In the Hall!!". He smiled, stood up, reached the front of his desk top and ripped ...See More

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