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What is the first thing on your to-do list when school is out? My very first thing every year is cleaning out and organizing my walk-in closet. I like to get rid of all those things I haven't worn and donate to Salvation Army. After that job is done I feel I can then relax and enjoy my break.
Martha Spend a whole day sitting on the couch, watching movies and knitting!

I'm not a really a to-doer ;)

On 6/01/11, pizwit wrote: > What is the first thing on your to-do list when school is > out? My very first thing every year is cleaning out and > organizing my walk-in closet. I like to get rid of all > those things I ...See More
Jun 1, 2011
J's mom I'm with you Martha, Except I don't knit. Then, I go through each room in the house and clean, organize, and generally make up for the nine months of neglect that has happenend. Also, lots of scout camps.
Jun 1, 2011
jmho5 What is the first thing on your to-do list when school is >> out?

Just put my house back in order. The end of the year is a bear! My preschool is in my home and it takes over the house the last couple of weeks.
Jun 1, 2011

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