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Hey I am a kinder garden teacher from Israel

I'd like to know about the age difference in usa.

Here a 1 aged group for pre school kindergarden would meen: from september to december including, will be 5th birthday and from january to next september 6th birth day.

By the way, maximum in class would be 35 kids with 2 adults (teacher and a professional helper)

Is it the same in the usa?
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ido My KG is in city called hertzliya, it's in the mddle of Israel next to Tel aviv.

It starts from 7:30 am and finish at 14:00, there is a an after KG for some of the kids from 14:00 till 16:45.

What about their age?

I just think that since scool begins from september. if it's a one age group it should be the same age from...See More
Aug 8, 2016
ido You're right ofcourse, it's way to many kids. my KG is so requested that this year I got 35 kids again.

I try to look at the positive side... at least I can't get any more

On 8/08/16, ido wrote: > My KG is in city called hertzliya, it's in the mddle of > Israel next to Tel aviv. > > It starts from 7:30 am and finish a...See More
Aug 8, 2016
DonnaR/CA > What about their age?

The individual states in the US set their kindergarten entrance standards. I can speak only of California "for sure".

If a child will turn 5 between Sept. 2nd and Dec. 2nd, s/he is enrolled in "TK", or Transitional Kindergarten. The premise is that they will then spend 2 full years i...See More
Aug 9, 2016
Amy K Kindergarten in the United States varies from state to state. The area of the country where I live (Pennsylvania) most schools have a cut off date of September 1st. This means a child must be 5 by September 1st to start school. We usually start school around that time, so all of my kids are at least 5 years old. Some students are older. Often paren...See More
Aug 10, 2016
Ellen Hi there ido,

I've just joined this website to connect with teachers around the world. I live 45 mins south west of Sydney in Australia. This is my 3rd year teaching kindergarten (1st year of proper schooling after preschool).

The age difference can be a whole year or so between students here. Some are still 4 turning 5 when they ...See More
Aug 13, 2016

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