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Kindergarten Enrichment Program has 3 students coming 5 days a week, 5 additional come MWF and 5 others come T TH. Will the M-F students just have to hear the same lesson twice?? Occupy them with something else?? Thanks for any ideas!
elsiev Seems to me that you should plan different activities each day. The kids that come 5 days will get a different set of activities each day. Maybe I don't understand your question.
Jul 24, 2017
Joan Thanks for your response! I have the same students for 5 days but 5 different students join us on MWF and then another set of kids T Th. If I do a project on Monday, I repeat it the next day with the T Th group therefore the 5 day a week kids are repeating the project they just did with the Monday group. Do I just have them go read or do puzzles? T...See More
Jul 25, 2017
flacka If it's an enrichment program, plan something each day and the days the kids are there they participate and don't worry about what they missed. It's not fair to the kids who are there for 5 days to have something repeated or to be given "busy work". Just don't plan a 2 day project and make sure whatever you plan can be completed in a day. If you ar...See More
Jul 27, 2017

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