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Remember the reaction to Joe-pa "hiding" knowledge of Jerry Sandusky and his crimes? Joe-pa was the worst human ever.

Now look at the person who Michelle Obama called a wonderful human being. A person who bundled for Hillary. Those who hid his horrible actions are getting a pass. Ben Affleck (who also assaulted a woman on TV). Seth MacFarlane who thinks it's just fine to make jokes about rape. And that's just to name a few who have been complicit in Big Hollywood's sex assault problem. Seems to be a celebrity problem ... and remember, our current president was/is a celebrity. We even have seen his contract allowed sexual harassment.

Interesting how the coach who leaned right was treated worse for his heinous coverup while those in Hollywood who lean left are getting a pass. Do we need more laws against Harvey's actions? Perhaps those who knew of his actions should be held accountable.

Bills sexual assaults. Those are in the past. Harvey's? Just how Hollywood ...See More
Bob R/CA The problem is, JoePa was accused of actually seeing these youths and doing nothing about it.

So instead of the wife of someone you didn't like hearing a rumour, it would be more like say, a guy you voted for getting caught on tape admitting he sexually assaulted girls, and bragging about pushing into the dressing room of teenagers dressi...See More
Oct 14, 2017
Tim Finnegan It would be. Which is why I'm amazed that so many people are not boycotting big Hollywood now. Seems that there is quite the problem on the left coast with the treatment of women. Hopefully, this begins to expose their hypocrisy. Maybe Kimmel can do that funny skit again where he asks women what he has in his pants? Or maybe more jokes about it dur...See More
Oct 14, 2017
Bob R/CA Well there's the difference. Sandusky went to jail. Weinstein was fired in disgrace. But Republicans knew about it yet nominated and then elected Trump, and now feign outrage over some guy most never heard of. I can't take seriously anyone who carries water for Trump, yet calls out Weinstein. And when you try to assign blame to Michelle Obama, you'...See More
Oct 14, 2017
Tim Finnegan Bob, are you too deluded by Trump to read my posts. Nowhere did I assign any blame to Mrs. Obama.

It's not just Weinstein. It's Affleck. And Stone. And Cosby. And Polanski. And a whole lot of Hollywood. I cannot take seriously the complaints on the left when they give passes to their own.

Most have never heard of Weinstein? He's a...See More
Oct 15, 2017
Bob R/CA Did you forget Trump is a creation of Hollywood? And with its spotlights sweeping the sky, Fox and its subsidiary Fox News - yes, it's Roger Ailes. And Eric Bolling. And Sean Hannity. And Bill O'Reilly.

And right in the center, Donald Trump.

You don't have to play seven degrees of separation to find the sexual predator in the GOP...See More
Oct 16, 2017

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