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I just finished "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism"(1905) by Max Weber (1864-1920), and it is amazing that the work ethic needed to make capitalism dominate economics started with the Calvinist, or as we know it, the Puritan work ethic. What starts out being done for the "Glory of God" has ended up as today's capitalism which is devoid of God, devoid of a sense of right and wrong, and has no sense of guilt over destroying the lives of others - or destroying the planet.

This is how Weber makes the connection:


Waste of time is thus the first and in principle the deadliest of sins. The span of human life is infinitely short and precious to make sure of one's own election (to heaven). Loss of time through sociability, idle talk, luxury, even more sleep than is necessary for health, six to at most eight hours, is worthy of absolute moral condemnation. It does not yet hold, with Franklin, that time is money, but the proposition is true in a ...See More

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