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Hi I am Danica an education student and taking up a major in pre-school. I am just wondering on how can I make a lesson not boring to the children. Thank you!
Leah Be enthusiastic. Don't make them sit too long. Have them sing an action song. If the story is too long, tell it as you show the pictures.

On 3/12/12, Danica wrote: > Hi I am Danica an education student and taking up a major > in pre-school. I am just wondering on how can I make a > lesson not boring to the children. Thank you!
Mar 14, 2012
Bo For any lesson for most age levels, show excitement in your voice and face like it is the most fun thing you are every going to tell them.

Always use a combo of verbal, visual, and them getting up and touching something, as well as sometimes use "turn and talk" which is where you tell them mid lesson, freeze, now turn to your neighbor and...See More
Apr 4, 2012

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