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I am coming here heavy hearted. I have taught pre-school for a year now and have loved it. I just recently moved to a new room, ages 14 to 24mths. One week in and I am at the end of my rope. First we have a sever biter. The week before I began in the room the child has severly bitten 17 times in one week. My director told me that I was to keep the child strapped in the high table for the whole day. When outside the child is to be strapped into a swing. I was not in agreement with that and let the director know as much.

Flash forward to today. The director has come to me with a new solution. When the child bites am to squeeze lemon juice in her mouth. The parents have signed a waiver allowing me to do this. It just isn't sitting right to me!!!

Also during nap time I have 10 children alone. I am in ratio, yet 3 of my young toddlers are not allowed to nap according to their parents...See More
KinderDonna Frankly if your director is the person you described, I would resign immediately. You don't want to be working in such an unprofessional environment. My guess is that there's even worse things going there you may not be aware of.
Mar 30, 2012
eceteacher DO NOT DO IT! That is corporal punishment! I wouldn't care if the parents ok'd it or not. IT's wrong! And illegal for that matter. It's not worth it. I'd leave.

On 3/30/12, KinderDonna wrote: > Frankly if your director is the person you described, I would > resign immediately. You don't want to be working in such an > unprofessi...See More
Apr 3, 2012
Toddler and prek teacher I'm not sure where you live, but where I live, all these suggestions given to you are ILLEGAL! Regardless of whether or not the parents "authorized" the use of lemon juice for biting, it would be ILLEGAL. As for strapping the child down in a chair or swing for the day - ILLEGAL! What type of a preschool do you work at where your DIRECTOR is giving ...See More
Apr 4, 2012

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