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In order to clear a waiting list that was mounting up for some of the younger rooms, my center did a not-very-well- thought-out transition of a bunch of children: 1's room to 2's room, 2's room to PS, and several preschoolers (ranging from 3 years, 4 months to 4 years, 1 month) into my Pre-K program which is *supposed* to be only for children who are entering Kindergarten the following fall (although I started off the year with a small group with October birthdays, so the kindergarten next year thing isn't a hard and fast rule). The three year old came to me because he was on the verge of being disenrolled or pulled out by his parents because of his behavior. It runs the gamut from fairly age appropriate, energetic boy stuff like running around, climbing furniture, and using materials inappropriately, to hurting other children by hitting or knocking them down and jumping on them, to running away from teachers by leaving the classroom or playground. (It was the last one that was the las...See More
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maureen Anon: You didn't say how long he has been in your room now. I got the idea that this happened in recent weeks? I never understood the reasoning behind many early childhood programs for moving pre school aged children during the school year when it consistency and routine are so important to these children. I can see if it is when the child's enviro...See More
Apr 22, 2012
Diane Henderson OMGosh... I can certainly empathize, and since you wanted a "been there done that" you have it.

I am also sending you a hug and hoping that by now things are better.

If not, perhaps a few kid-tested, things that I dreamed up out of near periods of insanity may help you too!

It's all FREE.

"Windows of Good Beh...See More
May 3, 2012
TeachAnita It has been nearly a month now, how is the class/child functioning now?

What type of support will the Director provide?

In the past when I feel a disruptive change in my classroom I have asked the Director to observe the classroom, am I missing something that triggers inappropriate behavior. Our new director has come in to work wi...See More
May 13, 2012
OP Thank you all for your input and support!

The past few weeks have gone a lot better. My rant here helped me get my frustration with the overall situation out, and my coteacher helped me be able to spend some time just observing the little guy. She is a joy to work with, and I love her to death! He was showing more inappropriate behavior wi...See More
May 13, 2012
Me Would be interesting to see if he is a Capricorn....bday between Dec 20 (or close) and Jan 20...But, I digress....

On 4/21/12, OP wrote: > He doesn't eat, period. His dad, in a conversation with my co-teacher, > said that when the child is hungry he gets out of control...but he just > won't eat. His mom is a nurse, and in a very b...See More
May 16, 2012

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