Reading First
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Oh my God! I am reading with horror about all the pressure kindergarten teachers feel! Can someone please wake up- these children are 5 years old! NCLB is a political thing- geared for inner city low achieving schools- to help them make AYP. For the rest of us- we need to stand up for childhood and a quality, child friendly education. Let us do what is right! Yes- a skilled teacher is important, early intervention is important- BUT- so is developmental education. True story- this year we have a new kindergarten teacher- my old aide works in her room- she is a very nice person- she is just lousy at classroom management- control, plus her lesson content is really lacking, according to my former aide, who is very concerned and conscientious. Well,- her DIBELS had only 2 intervention kids, all others made benchmark. My point- this had NOTHING to do with skill of classroom teacher. I want to propose a bet- if kids were allowed to explore at a leisurely pace they would fare just as well or b...See More
I agree Because of NCLB, we have no morning or afternoon recess. We "probe" the daylights out of our kids. I spend more time testing my kids than teaching. We are also a "Reading First" school, which means my students must sit 90 minutes for direct instruction. Grrr! If a child asks a question that does not pertain to the "Direct Instruction" aka a "teacha...See More
Jan 31, 2009
paulaj I also agree. Plus, kids who have been read to at home and had parents who talk with them, teach them to sit for long than ep seconds, etc. do so much better in a structured environment like NCLB requirements.

However, for your 90 minutes, there are other ways to do literacy than sit. For example: Studying letters or sounds can be done by...See More
Mar 6, 2009
paulaj In our district, the 90 minute block is called the "sacred 90." I hate that. nevertheless, here are some more ideas aside fom whole group sit and learn:

1. Teacher holds two sight words (or letters) and asks students to point to the one that is "the".

2. Stand Up/Sit down: When students know the answer to a question, they stand up...See More
Mar 6, 2009
to paulaj Thank you for the ideas. I am so burned out with the sacred 90 and the push tfor all kids to meet benchmark that I am not able to come up with "creative" ways for kids to learn. Thank you

On 3/06/09, paulaj wrote: > In our district, the 90 minute block is called the "sacred > 90." I hate that. nevertheless, here are some more ideas &...See More
Apr 12, 2009

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