Remedial Reading
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Hi, I usually post on the pre-k and k boards but I have a concen with my daughter who is almost 8 and entering 3rd grade in the fall.

When she was in kindergarten she could recognize all her letters and tell me what sound they made or tell me the letter that made a sound. She started out as a good reader and strong writer in 1st grade. Half way through the year she began to fall behind. She got some extra reading and writing help from our Reading Recovery teacher at our school and things were improving. Then in 2nd grade she was still somewhat a little behind and began to HATE anything that had to do with reading and writing.

I've been raising her alone for most of her life and I have "babied" her and felt like it was my fault because she just seems lazy and is very stubborn. We also thought maybe it was her eyes. Her step Mom just called to let me know they took her to the eye doctor and she has 20/20 vision. They also realized she doesn't know her letters!?!?!?! ...See More
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txhstchr I just wanted to mention something even though I may get boo'ed off the board for even saying it: Emotional or medical problems may be involved rather than reading/vision. If she knew her letters and sounds at kindergarten and "doesn't now," maybe she is having other issues. A problem with a teacher. Problems adjusting to a new stepparent. A new si...See More
Jun 28, 2009
Theresa On 6/28/09, txhstchr wrote:

> Since I obviously don't know the particulars of your > situation, I would encourage you to think about any major > life changes or illnesses your daughter has gone through > since these problems started--even though she may seem well- > adjusted, she may be holding something inside. And what ma...See More
Jul 12, 2009
Linda The only letters I am aware of her getting confused were > the b and d. Her dad is dyslexic, ADHD and had a learning > disability as a child. Can it take until a child is 6 or > 7 before something like dyslexia or LD to show up? > > Thanks for any imput!

Letter and number reversals can be dealt with by using dot patterns. Re...See More
Jul 14, 2009
Aggie Teacher My severely, dyslexic little girl is now 22 and successfully working her way through college. I could write a novel on her journey which has taught me more about children than a college class could ever do.

I am a professionally trained dyslexic specialist with 10 years as a private therapist working with over 200 children in a one-on-one ...See More
Aug 2, 2009
Linda br> > The only letters I am aware of her getting confused were > the b and d. Her dad is dyslexic, ADHD and had a learning > disability as a child. Can it take until a child is 6 or > 7 before something like dyslexia or LD to show up? > > Thanks for any imput!

To deal with letter reversals, use dot patterns. Teach read...See More
Aug 13, 2009

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