Remedial Reading
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I teach remedial or "intensive" reading to high school Juniors and Seniors. We don't follow any particular program, although we have some materials including Impact! workbooks and FCAT preparation materials (I'm in Florida, obviously). Our focus is on comprehension and critical thinking/reading, not decoding.

I was wondering...what do other high school reading teachers focus on with their students. Does anyone have any strategies, activities, or games that seem to be dramatically successful?
Jo Are you focusing on comrehension and critical thinking because they all have average to above average decoding skills and are fluent readers that just struggle with comprehension?

On 6/29/09, Teri wrote: > I teach remedial or "intensive" reading to high school > Juniors and Seniors. We don't follow any particular > program, altho...See More
Jun 29, 2009
Teri Actually, although the majority of students have average decoding skills, we focus on comprehension/critical thinking because the district decreed it. About 1/3 of our reading students are ELL students, mostly from Guatemala.

On 6/29/09, Jo wrote: > Are you focusing on comrehension and critical thinking > because they all have avera...See More
Jun 29, 2009
Mark Pennington Well, I taught remedial reading for three years at the high school level. We used a balanced approach based on the diagnostic needs of the students. You apparently don't have that mandate. Determining the instructional reading levels of your students will be critical to teaching comprehension. On 6/29/09, Teri wrote: > Actually, although the maj...See More
Jun 30, 2009
maril On 6/29/09, Teri wrote: > I teach remedial or "intensive" reading to high school > Juniors and Seniors. We don't follow any particular > program, although we have some materials including Impact! > workbooks and FCAT preparation materials (I'm in Florida, > obviously). Our focus is on comprehension and critical > thinking/reading,...See More
Jul 9, 2009

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