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I have been a SPED teacher for many years in the public school sector. Now, I am an intervention teacher in a private school. The teachers cannot understand why I cannot do more for the students who qualify for SPED services. The school district I am in only provides us with 1/2 hour a week or 52 hours a year. So, if a student qualifies across the board in reading, writing and math, then the student would only get one subject (like Reading and if could be reading skills/fluency or reading comprehension). Even though I am a certified SPED teacher, I am here as an intervention teacher. Since I have been here, I have held some meetings where I told the parents that their child would be best serviced in a public school setting at this time to get the help they need and that they are welcome to come back here later. This is very hard on some of the teachers that have worked here for a very long time and also belongs to the same parish, as the families. It is hard for them to separate them b...See More
Elizabeth You are completely right, Susan. I was in a job with a county-wide school district and was placed in the "parochial" teacher consultant position. I got put there as the newbie, and later heard that no one ever wanted that position. I quickly found out why, for the reasons you mentioned. We got 1/2 hour a week to "see" the kids. ...See More
Apr 8, 2015

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