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The district that I work in is pushing to put most of our SPED students in inclusive settings for the 2015-16 school year. Some of our students, who can barely handle a self- contained special education setting, are being placed in General Ed settings next year and my heart breaks for them. One of my students has severe anxiety issues and gets very upset over minor issues (let me rephrase - minor issues to us, extreme for him) for example if he is given homework in two subjects he starts crying and breaking down. The current self-contained room I work in is turning into a resource room. The only self contained room that we will have in school will be for our SPED students with significant cognitive disabilities. Are any other teachers facing similar situations? It's just very sad to me because I don't believe that this will help students who are diagnosed with Autism, learning disabilities, emotional disturbance or other disabilities and I feel that they are just going to fall through ...See More
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KT Being on the other side of the fence I have to passionately disagree with what others are saying. I am a special education teacher K-5 of students with significant disabilities in a public school. Inclusion works BUT only with the right supports. These supports include: 1. a gen ed teacher who truly embraces the students as their students, include...See More
Apr 25, 2015
Elizabeth So, when a student who can barely add is sitting in an
Algebra class, who benefits? When the curriculum is
modified such that the student is coloring in dots while
everyone else is find the slope of the line, what is being
accomplished? (And, at the same time, the first student is
not learning practical daily living skills because sh...See More
Apr 26, 2015
SPED teacher in TX Two big problems with inclusion for all:

(1) I think most people have already said it: some people simply will not succeed in the general ed setting with the prescribed curriculum. Someone who can barely add is going to reach the frustration level very quickly in Algebra I. They will either skip, sleep, act out in class, or ask to go to th...See More
May 1, 2015
Mary-Lorraine That is the time when the IEP team meets again to discuss whether this placement is truly the least restrictive for this child. Is the child progressing towards his/her IEP goals? Yes, the team attempted this setting with as many supports a possible. If it is not working, it is time to look at something a little more restrictive/supportive.
...See More
May 9, 2015
MomtoThree I have not visited this board in a few weeks, but this question caught my eye. An inclusive setting is not appropriate for every student AND ALSO not appropriate for the other typical students with no identified issues who still have an equal right at a FAPE. In particular, the average kids who do not have a label to call attention to the needs th...See More
Jun 3, 2015

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