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Hello, I am new to this group. I teach at a community college and am interested in finding ways to help my students that received special education at the high school level be more successful. We do have an ADA counselor that students can see to determine if they are eligible to receive any services. The only modification I have ever been given for a student is to allow extended time. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Jenn LaRosee I think it depends on what you teach, and many of these may be common already. Providing copies of any notes students would take would be a suggestion that goes across subjects. Let students know at the beginning of the semester the due dates for all papers, projects, etc, and encourage/require them to demonstrate that they have reached specific mi...See More
Jun 17, 2015
Betty Ann Many colleges, especially community colleges, offer some free tutoring or academic assistance. If yours does, make sure that you let your students know where and when help is available. You could put that sort of information on your syllabus, on your website, on a poster in your classroom. Oh, and let students know about your office hours (I know m...See More
Jun 17, 2015
Rita Futrell Thank you. We do have some of these already in place, but others I will work on implementing in the upcoming semester.On 6/17/15, Betty Ann wrote: > Many colleges, especially community colleges, offer some free > tutoring or academic assistance. If yours does, make sure that > you let your students know where and when help is available. &g...See More
Jun 18, 2015

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