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I have enjoyed subbing in the primary autism classroom district. However, I am exhausted! I am constantly counting heads to make sure everyone is where they belong (not bolting down the hall) and working. A teacher has been hired. I will be mentoring her over the next week. I have the lesson plans basically done for the week. However, once she takes over, I'm done. I will be there for support and direction. She is going to get some special training from the autism team and from someone about the self-contained curriculum. I told her once she gets her own account on the curriculum to just play with it and investigate the entire site. Last year we got minimal training, mostly on how to get onto the systems and a bit into how to navigate it. I am not sure if I'll take on more long term sub jobs. I have been asked to sub on Wednesdays for the team meetings in the building. I will probably do the September meetings, but cannot commit past that due to a possible part time position with the d...See More
Kathy to Bob Rose I hate to yell, but... FOR GOD'S SAKE...GIVE IT UP!!!! Have you ever even been in an autism classroom for students with severe autism who are 5 and 6 years old? Have you ever been in a classroom at all with student with significant special needs? I am not talking about just visiting and patting them on the heads. I am talking about the nitty-gritty...See More
Aug 31, 2015
AM I agree! I just posted to him. I have no idea what his motive is but I would be interested. I would hate for some newer teacher to think there is merit in his dogma. I hope you enjoyed your short retirement. ;)

On 8/31/15, Kathy to Bob Rose wrote: > I hate to yell, but... > FOR GOD'S SAKE...GIVE IT UP!!!! Have you ever even been in a...See More
Sep 3, 2015
Texit I found myself looking for a LIKE button!! hahaha!
Sep 7, 2015
Thomas On 9/07/15, Texit wrote: > I found myself looking for a LIKE button!! hahaha!

For what it's worth, Bob is pushing the same nonsense in our school psychology FB group. Normally, it's wise just to ignore the snake oil peddlers in tin-foil hats, but I, too, worry about a younger colleague drinking this woo- juice Kool Aid. While data will...See More
Nov 30, 2015
Kathy to Thomas It's funny to me that when I call him on it, he never responds. I challenged him to actually spend time in any classroom, special ed or gen. ed. No response. I have called him a snake oil peddler. No response. Teaching is so difficult these days that I do worry about the younger teachers falling for his line of B.S. Kathy

On 11/30/15, Thom...See More
Dec 1, 2015

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