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Sorry for being a bit off topic. htt p://ww w.wimp.co m/comatose-man-awake-for-twelve-years-trapped-in- his-own-body/
Bob Rose On 9/22/15, twit wrote: > Sorry for being a bit off topic. htt p://ww > w.wimp.co m/comatose-man-awake-for-twelve-years-trapped-in- > his-own-body/

Sep 22, 2015
Kathy...what's the matter Bob? Are you a skeptic that someone can look like they are "not there" but are? Welcome to the world I taught in, children that are not able to express what they have learned, are not able to make their bodies work, etc. You can't "cure" them because they can't learn to write the alphabet in order in a set number of seconds. Guess wh...See More
Sep 22, 2015

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