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I teach a moderate/severe class at a middle school. We also have an emotionally disturbed class on campus. Recently, a particularly difficult ED student has been placed in my class for 25&37; of the school day. The teacher has also tried to place this student with me during my prep period 'because I had students in the room with me anyway'. My concern is that this student is on the grad-track, and although is non-compliant with instruction, is not cognitively impaired. There has been no LRE evaluation completed before this placement in my class, and the presence of this student is very disruptive to my mod/severe students. I have been excluded from the 'safety meetings' regarding this student, I have not been included in any discussions about this student, and there has been no IEP to authorize this placement. Can my administrator and the other SpEd teacher place this student in my class without discussing it with me, and is this a violation of the student's rights?
Kathy That is a violation of the IEP and the student should not be in your class at all. Most teachers I know will take a student now and again if their is no other choice at that moment, but this should not be a regular placement at all. Also, you do have the right to a duty-free prep. It is your choice if you have students with you or not. A child that...See More
Sep 29, 2015

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