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Teachers do your paras speak to your parents about classroom behaviors or sit in during parent teacher conferences? How would you feel if one were to tell your parents that she wasn't allowed to speak to them and didn't know why? This is after you explained to her that you would prefer that they (the paras) tell parents to please see the teacher with any questions or concerns about students so that everything stays consistent.
Kathy Our district policy is that paras do not speak to parents. However, this is difficult to enforce. My paras could give general information if a parent was picking the child up early or dropping them off late, but otherwise had to refer the parent to me. The paras were happy about the rule. I did have one who stepped over the boundaries and was remov...See More
Oct 22, 2015
Jenn At that point I would immediately go to the administration and let them know she had gone against a specific request. My IA's write in the home log about the day and specific things that the parents need to know about, but NEVER sit in on conferences, either formal or informal. I get their input prior, but they never sit in.

On 10/22/15, j...See More
Oct 23, 2015

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