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Hi! Lots of my kids in elementary school are reading at very low levels and are very low in math (basically across the board low). Their disability is processing - some auditory and some visual. Since they are so low in reading, I'm doing guided reading with them at their level and stresses strategies for decoding, etc. I am new at this and I am wondering that if they have some issue with processing, are these guided reading groups a waste of their time? What can I be doing with them to help them learn to read?
my 2 The students that you describe are a product of progressive methods. They are coming to you from teachers that have been willing to handicap them by throwing away phonics, spelling programs, syllabication, grammar rules and all the tools that empower children to acquire higher level literacy. I beg teachers to look at the research behind cursive ha...See More
Oct 25, 2015
mdb On 10/24/15, dearmschris wrote: > Hi! Lots of my kids in elementary school are reading at > very low levels and are very low in math (basically across > the board low). Their disability is processing - some > auditory and some visual. Since they are so low in reading, > I'm doing guided reading with them at their level and > stres...See More
Oct 27, 2015

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