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I went into SPED because I was told that it was the best way to go. I have almost 11 years in now and I want out.

SPED is such an ineffective mess.

I don't know what it was like at the start or 20 years in, but I spend half a day on both sides, with those that are mainstreamed and those that cannot be at the high school level. Both sides are simply an ineffective mess.
I agree I have 9 years in and I hate it. I am working with students with visual impairments. It started out so wonderful...I had a resource room, co-taught, taught kids.

Now, my job is to "see" students and "provide services". A usual day looks like this: 1) Drive to a school and work with a kid who functions at a 3 month cogni...See More
Jan 5, 2016
And on the flip side of this coin I am a gen. ed teacher have 23 kindergarteners in a very poor school. 12 receive ESL services and are pulled from my room for 45 min. each day during reading. I have 3 who get "tutoring" and are pulled for 30 min. each day and all are ESL so now they have missed math too. There are 5 who work with the Title 1 reading teacher in her room f...See More
Jan 6, 2016
Agree again And I feel like crap for pulling kids out to work on "how to use a magnifier" or "how to use a screen enlarger"--things they learn quickly and can practice in class. I try to push in as much as I can, because I know how much they miss from their real rooms.

You just can't win.

On 1/06/16, And on the flip side ...See More
Jan 6, 2016
Normal is so wrong > I agree that there are a LOT of issues in sped, but I have to > call BS on what you're saying here. > > You're a Visual Impairments teacher. I have never seen a > visual impairments teacher work a traditional day, in one > school, teaching academic classes, except at a special school > for the blind. There typically are, at ...See More
Jan 7, 2016
Normal On 1/07/16, Normal is so wrong wrote:

> You are wrong. We have several teachers who have
> classrooms of students who are blind or losing their
> vision. My state has at least 8 classrooms that I know
> of.
> And how amazing that you are familiar with all 50 states!
> Too
> you are...See More
Jan 14, 2016

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