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This is our high school's frustration; We have a high school of approximately 1600 students. I am a Freshman Learning Disabilities teacher. I am a co-teacher in an Algebra class and English class. I also teach a self contained Pre-Algebra class to our LD students that do not have the skills and can not keep up with the gen ed Pre algebra class.The same standards are taught...just at a slower pace and not as in depth as the gen ed. class. Our new Asst. Sup. has decided that all LD self contained classes be done away with for next year and those students be put into the gen ed CT classes. She says that it is "illegal" to have our LD students in self contained classes. Although we have many students in our CT classes, not all of our students can keep up. This would mean that they would put out into all gen ed classes and we do not have the special ed staff to cover all of those classes. What are your thoughts and how does your high school handle this?
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PL On 2/08/16, MLU wrote: > This is our high school's frustration; We have a high > school of approximately 1600 students. I am a Freshman > Learning Disabilities teacher. I am a co-teacher in an > Algebra class and English class. I also teach a self > contained Pre-Algebra class to our LD students that do > not have the skills and c...See More
Feb 14, 2016
sped On 2/14/16, PL wrote: > One of the things I've seen done is have a two-year Algebra 1 > class. This is good because students have more time to learn > the skills that they need. Also, this does not have to be a > self-contained class. > > The other thought I have is that assistant superintendents > don't usually listen to teach...See More
Feb 19, 2016
allsace That is the way it is going these days!! Sometimes after a battle, you can get a self-contained pre-Algebra class. Some can make it if they are provided a task analysis that they can take with them .. if someone will make them. Ideally, if the kids that are in the CT class could go into an applied skills setting with the co-teacher prior to or righ...See More
Feb 20, 2016
IEP goals Does this mean that the IEPs of the students impacted by this decision will need to be amended to reflect the new placement to cotaught classes? Were their goals written to reflect the progress that small group instruction provides? It seems to me that the administration's decision changed the placement for these students if the inclusion model was...See More
Feb 21, 2016
LN The way I understand your question, it would be considered illegal. I have run into it in a few places, but sometimes they do it illegally anyhow by having the special education teacher under the math teacher. I'm not condoning skirting the law, but that is what I have seen. However, I believe if you open the class up to general education students ...See More
Mar 15, 2016

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