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I have a middle school Mod. to Severe handicapped classroom of 8 students. I want to implement a classroom management system for next school year and need ideas. Should I create a system based upon task completion, such as points or hypothetical "dollars" for a checking account, or should I do a system focusing on behaviors like Class Dojo? I don't know how I could do both and have time to teach. I am at an inner city poverty school.

Any suggestions or ideas of what anyone of you are using would be great.

Thanks in advance for your help!
D I have taught that age group as well as the 8:1:1 setting. I found using the Responsive Classroom approach worked the best for me. It isn't token based.

On 5/19/16, LHB wrote: > I have a middle school Mod. to Severe handicapped classroom > of 8 students. I want to implement a classroom management > system for next school year an...See More
May 20, 2016

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