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I work in a small high school. We have a SLP new to the building who asked me yesterday "I have a student who I just did testing on who scored very high and does not meet criteria for communication services any longer." She said she talked to student's case manager who said "We can just dump his IEP. We have to find him eligible somehow."

This student's parent works in the building as an educational assistant and tried very hard to get her student on an IEP, and managed to do so, even though he really didn't qualify. He was evaluated in several areas: Learning Disability, Intellectual Disability, and Communication (did not qualify in 8th grade, but somehow the next year was suddenly found "eligible.") I have worked with this student and he doesn't accept help, scored well on State Testing last year, and is now a senior with super grades. His mom says 'well there is some "disconnect" with his language processing. I will talk to him and he...See More

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