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This year I will be teaching a class with grades 3-5 of students with Emotional Disturbance and Behavior Disorders. I know it will be a challenging class. I believe there will be about 8-10 students with two Para-Professionals.

I have been exposed to a "Points and Levels System" before and it seemed to work pretty well. There were many rules and details to learn for both staff and students during the first part of the year. My question is: has anyone

utilized a Points and Levels System in your classroom? How effective was it for you and your students? Any advice? Thanks so much.....
haha Hi. I taught a very similar class with one TA (and a shared safe room/isolation room staffed by additional TA's). We used a very detailed points system with privileges that could be earned and lost and it worked very well for us. As I recall, each block of the schedule was broken into sections and at the end of the day point totals were recorded. E...See More
Aug 12, 2017

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