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Hello! I have recently applied for a Master's in Special Education-Autism program but am wondering if I should switch to Special Education (general). For instance, I am worried that the Special Education-autism degree would not be as well-rounded as the general degree (since I could later get a certificate in autism)? I would love for some advice on this subject!
haha It depends to some extent on what your goals are and what certifications are offered in your state. You're right that a general SPED will likely give a bit more of a rounded education but an Autism specialization will also often include many classes applicable to other disabilities and teaching methods/strategies, SPED law, etc. that is useful beyo...See More
Apr 19, 2018
America77 As lot of this will depend upon the state you want to work in and how they work their credentials. Will the Autism program also give you a general sped credential? If so, I would say that is the way to go as you would have more credentials at the end. If you just have an Autism credential that doesn't allow you to teach in a more cross-categorical ...See More
Apr 23, 2018

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