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Life in the Cradle of Civilization
Hillol Ray
Web Site: [link removed]

Over the last three billion years, at least a billion
Were formed out of a same mode-
And the traits are too many that have set all the tales
Of neuroscience specifications code!
The primeval DNA may have come from the cosmos
Riding or moving on fleeting star-
Covered by the dust of meteorites, immersed
In mist or fume, and even with a deep scar!
Ancient Amazonians and Australian aborigines
Still believe that living things on Earth,
Were brought in by a tiny ‘cosmic serpent’
During its collision and nurtured their birth!
Thus, all living beings are related
And all animals are relatives of same genome-
Still the researches are continuing to unveil
The mysteries lying close to home!

From time to time, many species disappear
By cataclysmic effects of misty rain,
Or by the impacts of meteori...See More

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