I have a Bachelor's in Business Administration and decided to substitute teach when my son started school. After graduating from college almost 20 years ago, why did it take so long for me to find my true passion in a career? I truly love subbing, and now that I have had to go back to work fulltime not subbing, I miss it dearly. What do I need to do next to pursue my dreams? Thanks for the advice.
What are you looking to teach? And what part of Ohio do you live in? Ohio is nearly impossible to get a job unless you are looking to teach Special Ed. Are you willing to move out of state? You will have to go back to college take whatever courses you need and do student teaching in order to get licensed.
Seriously though, it is very difficult to get a teaching job in Ohio.
If you already have your Bachelor's Degree you will need to get your teaching license which should take you about 1.5 years or more depending on how many classes you can take in a given time. Also, many of the EDU classes need to be taken in a certain order and are only offered at certain times (like Fall Semester, or Winter Semester) which really STINKS! You will be required to do classroom observation as well as student teach which means you need to be free to be in the classroom all day, every day for a certain period of time, observation is not as time consuming as student teaching.
It is impossible to work a full time 9-5 job and get your teaching license. My husband just got his teaching license (he too had his Bachelor's Degree from 1990). He quit work, I went back to work to support the family so he could do this and it took him from Summer 2006 to December 2008. He is doing a long term sub job right now in a District that is going to have an opening in another building in the Fall. He did go on an interview and get offered a permanent job, but we turned that down because it was 1.5 hours away. At the time, we would have been willing to take it if nothing else was on the horizon, but now that we've learned about this opportunity and another one (in my kids' District) opening up, he gambled.
I think the fact that he is elementary and a man worked in his favor, we hope it does just one more time soon!
Good luck! Elizabeth
On 2/24/09, Julie wrote: > I have a Bachelor's in Business Administration and decided > to substitute teach when my son started school. After > graduating from college almost 20 years ago, why did it > take so long for me to find my true passion in a career? I > truly love subbing, and now that I have had to go back to > work fulltime not subbing, I miss it dearly. What do I > need to do next to pursue my dreams? Thanks for the advice.