My position at Iwakuni Middle School is eliminated for a drop in student population. At the advice of my Principal, I did not list all of my 14 DoDEA Certs -- but only the specific cert I am using now -- Computer Science Education. By not listing all of my certs officially, I was moved to the same position at a different DoDEA Middle School.
Sometimes, it is wise to list only the one cert you want to teach most when you are already a DoDEA employee. There are specific CTE standards you must teach at a high school in order to prepare students for the CTE exams. CTE exams cannot be given to a Middle School student (Grades 6,7,8), but must be given at the high school.
It's time to update your Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) application in the Employment Application System (EAS) for School Year (SY) 2025/2026. Everyone is required to update ONLINE, no matter how recently your application was submitted. Please complete your annual update by 11:00pm CST on February 4th, 2025. Recruitment for the 25/26 SY will begin February 5th, 2025, however, your application will not receive consideration until your update is complete. Once your application is updated/finalized you will begin receiving consideration for future vacancies.
When updating your application, please do not forget to change the year of consideration to SY 2025/2026 and update your availability date in the Target Location and Date (Overseas/Stateside) section of your application.
You must ensure all aspects of your application are true, up-to-date and reflects your ability, experience, and training as accurately as possible. All 9 sections must be updated. Once you have reviewed each section, click "submit". A green check mark will appear next to the section to confirm it has been successfully submitted. A green check mark will also appear next to "Finalize your application" to confirm that your application has been finalized. Applications must be complete and finalized to receive consideration.
**Before submitting, be sure to update the School Year to 2025/2026 to be considered**
If you have questions regarding your application, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page within EAS.
If you are a local applicant residing in the overseas area on sponsors orders (Military or Civilian), you must attach a copy of your sponsor's orders to your EAS application. The orders should be labeled under Military Spouse Preference.
Worldwide applicants that wish to be considered for overseas positions must choose every country where they are willing to work. If an opening becomes available for a location that you have not selected, you will not be considered for that opening.
Thank you for your continued interest in teaching with DoDEA.
Dr. Ali FantTo my knowledge, DoDEA Virtual School is based out of DoDEA HQ WASHDC. One of my certs is DoDEA Virtual School. Speculation based on my 09DE2024 RIF Notification is DoDEA is preparing for increased students in DoDDS Germany in SY 2025-26. Be sure where the schools are you would be serving in Virtual School because of the Time Zone differences.
The prin...See MoreJust received my first RIF. Principal took great care to explain my present Teacher Position (CTE Middle School) was going away not because of any Teacher Performance Appraisals but because our school population had a projected student population drop to < 250 for SY 2025-2026. I am one of 3 teacher positions to be eliminated.
The principal volunteered to sit with me through the RIF online computer application and to consider what geographic areas I would want to teach at. Then I learned something new that HaHa touched on before in why some teachers do not list all their certs. As of January 2025, I had only two certs on my "official record" although the principal stated she had review my record of certs from my initial EAS application very carefully. She told me to consider what areas of DoDEA would advance my personal DoDEA teaching goals. A South Korea CTE job would place me in a location to continue weekend Chinese Language classes at local Korean universities. With six more graduate Chinese Language credits and passing the ACTFL test I would certify for the Texas Chinese Language Certificate. I believe American children should learn the Chinese Language, but there are not many Chinese Language certificated teachers in DoDEA.
By only having 2 certs officially as of the RIF Date, DoDEA will try to place me with those same two certs in other parts of the world. The online application revealed DoDEA Japan did not appear as an option for CTE Middle School. South Korea, England, Western Europe, and Eastern Europe appeared as CTE Middle School choices from the drop down menu.
This kind principal pointed out that if I did not like any of the choices DoDEA offered for my RIF, I would have time to submit my other 12 certs from official state certs again. Because of the SCD in Block 31 of my SF-50 (Scheduled Computation Date - compares US Government employee senority), I could "bump" another less senior teacher for a cert just added to my RIF portfolio.
However, the danger with adding additional certs is that most of them have DoDEA Curriculum standards (CCRS -College Career Readiness Standards) that I would have to be certain to teach the students. My present CTE Middle School cert does not have Curriculum standards. The CTE cert High School does have curriculum standards which I would be required to teach. I had heard this from our prior CTE MS Teacher, but this was the first time I heard this from the Principal.
The principal suggested I waited to see what DoDEA offers the RIFing teachers and then make my decision. RIF Notification Letters were issued 09DE2024 and responses were due back 13DE2024. Then, the government makes offers two weeks later.
RIF Notification Letters are used to prove "Notification of Involuntary Excess Status." This letter qualifies RIF employees for CTAP, ICTAP, and RPL as an excessed federal employee.for a higher hiring priority on USAJOBS.
Any information on the DoDEA RIF process would be appreciated.
If I take the ENI and let them know now will I be able to be rehired in the future? Many people have told me signing an eni is blacklisting myself from DoDEA ever again. But an email from HR said I would be eligible for rehire.
So, I would love to hear if someone knows someone who has done this. As I fear the one HR person was misinformed compared to all the others who said it's not possible.
It sounds like your ultimate goal is to continue your employment with DoDEA in another location. Is this correct?
There are a number of ways of achieving this goal, one of which you outline in your OP.
One negative about your plan is your uncertainty over the ENI and possible blacklisting. Am I interpreting that correctly?
If I'm correct on those two steps then let me proceed. (If I'm wrong stop reading and ignore my words.)
Nothing, absolutely nothing that anyone can post here, even a letter from HR, can clear up this uncertainty. Readers and contributors to this forum knows that every phone call or email to HR results in a different answer to the same question. Procced accordingly, in a wary fashion.
Readers and contributors to this forum also know that a common pathway, chosen by many teachers, is to "win" a job with Ddess and then to "win" another slot overseas as soon as possible.
This is a great pathway for several reasons. The teacher maintains full employment, at a good salary. The teacher keep advancing in years towards their federal retirement, and the teacher maintains a great deal of control over their career. This pathway is especially useful for teachers with lots of hard to fill certs, like you.
We all know teachers who have rehired multiple times. It seems easy enough to be a good gamble. But this is selection bias. We only know the rehires - they work with us! What about the others, who didn't get rehired? There names fade away and we no longer remember them.
Can you considered the recent changes to hiring vis-a-vis state cert reciprocity. Wasn't the purpose of this increase the number of qualified applicants, especially in hard to fill fill areas.
Won't this lead to greater competition?
A pathway that involves resignation obviously carries some risk. I think it's too much risk. Obviously, you'll have to make your own decision.
And as for ENI? The $3,200 (after taxes) doesn't really come into my decision making process.
I completely understand your desire to move. But what's wrong with the Ddess pathway that you would resign? I assume there is a family circumstance involed.
Is there something you left out - is your current location toxic?
In my school, apparently not enough teachers accepted the incentive pay package. So, three teachers received Reduction in Force Letters (RIF) that allows you to move about the world at the government's expense. I am taking a chance DoDEA will place me elsewhere at end of SY 2024-25. If not, I will try the CTAP route to NASA for RIF federal employees.
I have been a teacher for 17 years with the past 5 being in DODEA overseas( including this year). If I were to get an assistant principal position what step would I start on? I'm over a step 10 now.
hahaApparently, you would start on the first Step, unless you had experience as an admin (or related experience that they would accept) AND had not already used that experience for salary/step credit.
I'm thinking about possibly reactivating my application for the 25/26 school year. I had a question about references. I have three already listed and filled out from about 8 years ago. My understanding is that these are just a part of the application, and if I was to actually get an offer, I would need to provide three current references? I guess I'm wondering if I should bother updating the references on the application if they are going to ask for three more references?
hahaThis is one of those instances where I would have been happy to be wrong for you. Yes, they have gotten pretty hard core about the conditions needed to award LQA etc. But, you never know what the future might hold. And like you said, if you ever wind up back in the states you can always reapply for DoDEA.
I have an interview for a kindergarten teacher in Germany. So, I am curious what the pay would be for a Master's degree plus 18 and 7 years of experience. I was also curious about the COLA and whether there are any standard interview questions. Any help is much appreciated.
hahaCongrats! Enjoy the ride. Remember that you can request a 3 month pay advance if you need it. Also, get your TSP deductions set up right away so that you don't lose out on the gov't matching.
hahaNo specific information about either of those countries. We used to be in Europe and the situation changed every few years, although there was generally a way to work around most restrictions. Try googling and/or asking questions of the consulates.