I am finishing up my 8th year of teaching. I am certified in Chemistry (5-Adult) and Math (5-Adult). I have taught Chemistry and AP Chemistry for 4 years, 2 of which were spent teaching in an international school setting. I have my preferred locations as basically anywhere ever (with only a few locations unchecked).
I can accept that I have less experience than many teachers. I can accept that I have no military connections and so no way to get a good word in with schools/admin. But I am competent in physical sciences and high school math. With education being in such a dire need for good teachers - especially STEM - I feel like I should have at least seen one or two referrals by now.
Anyone have any advice? Should I give up on DoDEA?
uh89There's something I recommend you consider doing that I did a couple of years ago that caused me to get WAY more referrals over the past 2 years and I've actually had about 5 principals contact me directly this past year asking if I would like to interview. (Note: I've had to turn down all of them due to needing to be here in the states for an elde...See MoreThere's something I recommend you consider doing that I did a couple of years ago that caused me to get WAY more referrals over the past 2 years and I've actually had about 5 principals contact me directly this past year asking if I would like to interview. (Note: I've had to turn down all of them due to needing to be here in the states for an elderly relative). I heard about this procedure a few years ago and finally tried it in my EAS application. What I did is I went into the part of my EAS application where all of the uploaded files are located. Then one at a time I deleted each file and immediately reuploaded it back into my application, even though it's the exact same file I deleted. I did this with all of the files. What this does is it changes the date of when you uploaded it to a more recent date that shows up in your application. Somehow this seems to trigger something in the EAS system that seems to get more notice. I didn't make any changes in my application since the files I deleted were all the same exact ones I then uploaded again into it. Everything else in my application has remained intact and unchanged. I made no other changes anywhere in my EAS application.
hahaNo problem. You can put in/update an application on EAS at any time. Sooner is usually better so that you can work through any bugs and/or supply any further information that they might require.
intrepidtravelrPlease also be very mindful of the healthcare situation where you may end up. Things have gotten a lot worse for civilians in many areas overseas, and it's unnerving feeling like you can't get quality emergency care if needed, at a minimum, let alone ongoing specialist care.
Sorry if I posted this before, as I did not see if it went through. So for stateside, there is no housing allowance at all but I think I read the pay is higher for stateside because there is no housing allowance. I am wondering how they determine what your pay is and if the stateside jobs are GS jobs.
Also, they often will not communicate that you were unsuccessful in being considered for the position until the final selection has been made, or even until the candidate has been cleared and received their orders and/or firm offer. Sometimes they never circle back to the people on the referral list. Occasionally people have shared that they received a referral notice and a "you were unsuccessful notice" for the same position, almost simultaneously.
So, it is always good practice to hope for the best but expect the worst (and hope for some closure either way, but not to hold your breath while waiting).
So I am thinking about applying for some schools overseas, more specifically, Japan. My question is, I was trying to find a pay scale rate for the DODEA and I could not find one. I don't want to apply for a job over there and not make enough to survive or be totally broke the entire time. Any insight would be helpful
Single people at my base are not allowed to live on base unless they have kids with them or are active service. My principal even tried to get an Exception to Policy letter for me to live on base, but it was rejected in order to provide base housing for families.
I was hired by an US Forest Service School in the Coville National Forest to train 16-21 year olds "kids" in basic high school courses helping them certify as smoke-jumpers and forest fire fighters. After six months, DoDEA Japan offered me a Middle School position without an interview in Iwakuni Japan.
I am one of a few DoDEA teachers receiving both a Social Security Pension, FERS pension, and regular salary. I am not the oldest teacher in my school. I learned from older teachers, that you pay monthly into SS and FERS, The SS Pension is adjusted by your higher recent earnings each October. Your FERS pension is recalculated after five years of FERS contributions.
I asked for my FERS pension before being hired by the US Forest Service. You have to certify you are not a federal employee in order to start the FERS -- which takes six months to complete. I used my FERS lump sum to later purchase my ticket to Japan to avoid sardine class during the pandemic. I received 771 for the airline flight from SATO and I paid the remaining 10K from my FERS lump sum. I was given a special letter in addition to my PCS orders to allow me to travel internationally during CoVID.
Arriving in Japan, I had a 30 day ROM -- two weeks in Yokota and 2 weeks in Iwakuni. The quarantine dropped to 2 weeks the day after I arrived in Japan.
I brought a month's supply of Mountain House Freeze Dry food in case I would not be allowed to leave my quarantine. The US Forest Service Quarantine was much worst as students had to stay inside their rooms all day with only a one hour walk outside with a monitoring adult. All teaching was virtual using Google Classroom. On the military bases, other people had to bring food to your hotel door and quickly walk away after knocking on your door. Very nerve wracking!
Then I found I was hired at a minimal level and grade because DoDEA had lost all my previous DoDEA job records. I emailed the US Archives and ended up sending copies of all my pay stubs directly to CHRA to prove my previous DoDDS/DoDEA service. The major problem was DoDEA wanted me to provide Proof of my Service from past DoDDS Principals who were long dead. I finally got it sorted out after 12 months, but I resoved to always keep paper copies of all SF-50s. Do not ever select the "paperless" option for SF-50s from the US Government. You will regret it.
Iwakuni is a 250 Grades 6, 7, 8 students school. The denial of health coverage in Japan is a worry and caused some teachers with kids to leave. I enjoy it here as it gets me nearer to South Korea DoDEA than Texas.
Nevertheless, if your are healthy and willing to fly back to the US for health coverage provided by your monthly insurance payment, it is okay. Only teachers with an active duty spouse are allowed to take their kids to the base clinic. The government investigated this issue in 2023 and found it is only a problem for DoDEA Teachers without Active Duty spouses in Japan.
President Biden and his wife visited our base in May 2023. Dr. Jill Biden visited our schools on base while the president was in Hiroshima with other world leaders. But even the president could not resolve the health issue.
Japan is not China, but I continue to prepare myself for licensure as a Chinese Language teacher in Texas, Alaska, and DoDEA. Japan is the first time I got back to Asia since the pandemic blocked all international travel.
...See MoreI am a former DoDDS teacher and current applicant for DoDEA and this very important message just appeared in my emailbox that I thought I'd share here as this applies to all outside DoDEA applicants and it is a very important welcome change. Here is the message they just sent out a few minutes ago:
DoDEA has made a change regarding reciprocity in relation to educator licensing for DoDEA initial licensing. DoDEA will accept a valid, unencumbered professional state teaching license issued by a State Board of Education of the United States and its U.S. territories, as well as the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) in content areas, or the state's equivalent, as fulfilling all qualifications for professional teaching education and certification in content areas for all current DoDEA educators and applicants.
This means you will be deemed qualified for the same content areas identified on your active state teaching license when you apply for these content areas with DoDEA. The DoDEA licensure team will be reviewing all active EAS applications for SY24/25 during the week of March 11 - 15. If your qualification status is changed during this review process, you will receive an email from the DoDEA Employment Application System (EASSystemAdministrator@dodea.edu) notifying you of the change. All changes will be recorded in EAS under the QUALS tab, with a note stating: Re-evaluated with reciprocity change.
The general school of thought is that this is happening main;y because DoDEA is needing to add a large number of pre-K teachers next year. Counting state certs will help with filling those spots with current and new teachers.
hahaCongrats! We loved visiting Belgium (or at least Brugge in particular).
Yes, that is a potential gap that could be costly in some cases. Would your current insurance cover you if you were traveling to Belgium? If not, I believe that some people have taken out travel insurance to cover them for a few months after the move.
I took the GKT math test and unfortunately did not pass. Could someone please share any resources with me to study? My email is alvaro.sanchez73@yahoo.com. Thank you so much! God bless you.
There's nothing to think about. Are you making $100K now? Probably not. You're working in SE Asia, but you don't have the top job at ISB, am I right?
Take the money and in five years you will be vested in the retirement system, and you'll be financially secure.
Will you miss SE Asia? Sure. Just spe...See More