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I received my tentative offer on 8/28 and have submitted paperwork/fingerprints for everything on or before 9/5. I've been emailing my HR rep and security rep for the past 3 weeks and they keep telling my there's no updates and to contact the other person (security rep tells me to contact HR; HR tells me to contact security). Has anyone else had these issues? Should it be taking this long? Need advice!!
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lma324 Thank so much @haha! I actually just got an email from my HR rep telling me everything cleared and that she just needs a report date from me so she can send me the final offer!! It's happening!!!! :)
Oct 2, 2018
Do not work for DoDEA. They will not fund classes and the union will not to anything to help you or give you any information.
Nov 23, 2018
haha @ Ima: Great! You are moving along.

@ GG: You are going to have to provide a little more detail/context if you expect anyone to take your warning seriously and/or have any idea what you are talking about.
Nov 23, 2018
haha But thanks for bumping all of those threads!
Nov 23, 2018
haha Wow. You really did have too much time on your hands!
Nov 23, 2018

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