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Hi, I'm currently working for DoDEA in Japan. I arrived in November 2020. I'm now considering resigning my position at the end of this school year. I haven't taken RAT. Are there guidelines as to when to let HR know? I emailed the question to my POC and I haven't receive an answer (SHOCKER).
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Woodsie I stated in August 2021 and am resigning June 2023. I have completed my 2 year transportation agreement so the will ship me and my goods home. I think they sooner you let them know, the better. I was able to cash in on the $3000 early incentive bonus. Doing it earlier also gives you time to schedule all the things you need to do. Good luck with eve...See More
Mar 2, 2023
uh89 I'd recommend letting them know ASAP. A lot depends if you're in a 2 year area (mainland Japan) or a 1 year area (Okinawa). If you're in a 2 year area, it's going to be difficult and expensive getting yourself and your belongings back to the US if you have to break your 2-year contract. If you're in a 1-year area, it's best to let them know now so ...See More
Mar 5, 2023
uh89 My mistake as I misread your 2020 start date. You likely won't have any problem moving back providing you let them know soon that you intend to leave. If memory serves me correctly, I believe the date to let them know is sometime in March in order to have the gov't. move you back at their expense.
Mar 6, 2023
ecd5 Why are you all so happy to be leaving? Don't get me wrong, I think about jumping ship often too...
Apr 2, 2023
ecd5 Why are you all so happy to be leaving? Don't get me wrong, I think about jumping ship often too...
Apr 2, 2023

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