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I teach at a public high school in California.)

With regard to student swearing, I hear a LOT of it at my school. Out in the hallways everyday as I walk back and forth from the back of campus (where my classroom portable is) to the front of the school (where the office and the staff lounge are) and I hear it in my classroom as well.

Our student handbook says that students may be suspended or expelled for habitual profanity or vulgarity. If we write a referral to the office for the use of profanity, obscenity, or vulgarity among students, the student is assigned Saturday School. After the second time, the student starts getting suspended. If the referral says the profanity was directed toward the teacher, the student automatically gets suspended.

At my school there was one dean that if I wrote a referral for profanity, the student automatically got suspended on the first offense. I thought that was a little too much. So, I decided to pick my own battles. Some ...See More

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