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Does anyone have good advice on teaching seniors that will have a state assessment in June? I did and will be teaching a class again of seniors who are require to take the New York State Regents Exam in June. This is a month after many of their and their friends’ classes have taken the AP Exams and the elective classes are just completing projects, etc. Many of my students told me that after Memorial Day, my class was the only one they were doing “real” work in. Also, most of them have been accepted into their colleges already. Any tips or tricks to keep them behaved and motivated? Thanks!
whatever that is On 7/31/11, 4th year teacher wrote:

If yours was the only class they were doing 'real work' in that suggests they were in fact working - however much they may not have wanted to be. Why is your class the only one required to take the Regents exam in June??

And what is the consequence to them of not doing well on the Regents exam?...See More
Aug 1, 2011

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