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Hi, everyone!

Today in class the socializing was really getting to me with some of my Spanish II students. It seems like the mentality of some students is just to sit in class and socialize and not to care at all about learning the material or getting a good grade in the class. Not all my students, maybe not even half of them are like that, but the ones that are in school just to socialize are really frustrating me right now. I have a hard time understanding this mindset. Some of them just spend time talking instead of getting started on their work. There are a few students in one particular class that will make soft remarks which I find disrespectful, but I don’t pursue the issue because they are not said out loud and I don’t want to be writing detentions/referrals for every little thing.

What type of consequences do you think are effective for this type of student?

Thanks for your insights! Daniel Hanson Public High School Spanish Teacher Atwater, Calif...See More

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