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My students have the same procedure every day: come into class, get out their notebooks, and do the assignment on the board. Usually it's questions in their text as that's something I don't have to explain or go over ahead of time. Yet EVERY DAY I'm still saying, "get out your notebooks and get to work."

When the tardy bell rings, at least half the glass still doesn't have their notebooks out.

The assignment is on the board. The students know what to do. It hasn't changed all year, but they still refuse to do it.

I taught magnet or advanced students before, and they had no problem with this. Now I teach general level students, and they won't do it.

What do I need to change?

According to Harry Wong, if I punish them for not doing what they're supposed to be doing, it's my fault for not giving them a clear procedure.

These are high school kids. How much clearer and easier can "si0t down, get out your notebook, and do the assignment...See More
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ja I have said before and I will say again that Harry Wong uses the behavioral science studies that BF Skinner wrote about in the 60's and 70's. However the methods make me very uncomfortable. Students are not lab rats running through a maze acting and reacting like robots. This might work for a while but I hope that we are not training robots.
<...See More
Jan 10, 2012
Ryan On 1/10/12, ja wrote:

Bracchus, you came on this chatboard to seek help. You recognize that procedures are important in a classroom as you recognize when procedures are needed for a fire drill. Your problem is having students learn the procedures and several of us gave you pointers and techniques to help you.

Now ja comes to let ...See More
Jan 17, 2012
Nancy Berg On 12/17/11, Miryam/HSMath wrote: > Bacchus, are your students held accountable for doing the bell > work in your class? If you don't show them that you take > their bell work seriously (by counting it as a grade - or at > least by making them think that you do) then why should they > care about doing it? What I learned works for me ...See More
Mar 8, 2012
Middle School Teacher I have one class out of four where the students still, at this late date in the year, do not follow the procedure. It is not all the students in the class, but many of them. I tried just waiting patiently and looking at the Do Now, then looking at the student. Other students would catch on and tell the off task student what I was waiting for. I als...See More
May 25, 2012
Life-loing learner As others have stated, what works for one teacher may or may not work for another due to the fact that we are all wonderfully different personalities with wonderfully different ideas of what classroom management is and how we go about establishing it in our classrooms and maintaining it once it is in place. I too have an opening assignment, which I...See More
Jun 22, 2012

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