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How to limit interruptions while you work with small groups - By Rick Morris

When I’m working with a small group of students at the reading table, I don’t like to be interrupted by other students. Nonetheless, there will be three or four of them who feel it’s critical that they share some need, issue, or concern immediately. And although you would think that just asking everyone to not bother the group would do it, experience has taught me that it doesn’t. So, as opposed to trying to suppress their energy for sharing their needs, I figured out how to redirect it instead. [Click below to read the solution.]
Sarah H (UW Stout) Hi Rick, I love your solution! We use this in adult learning as well - though our notes are slightly different ;-). We call this a "parking lot" - We park any ideas that are off subject/task to come back to at the end of a learning session. This is a great tool - thank you for sharing!

Sarah H (UW Stout)
Feb 17, 2013
AkomaTeach This is so cool. Great idea! Now, what do you about students talking while you're in a small group at the reading table? Granted, you're already given those still at their seats seatwork, but what annoys me is that you'll have students who will take advantage of the fact that you're not standing in front of the class looking over them to make sure ...See More
Apr 3, 2013
jenny This is a helpful idea and I look forward to trying this out next time I conference with my students or have one on ones. Also, by having them write out their issue on a post it, some students might question if their issue is really that important to actually take the time and write it down ( although some will do anything to get out of what they a...See More
Jul 20, 2013

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