Classroom Discipline
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Hello all,

I have been teaching for 18 years. I am in an excellent high school right now and currently have no discipline issues. This is my sixth year in this school. However, it wasn't always like this.

Over the course of my career, I had experienced constant discipline problems in my classroom. Most of these schools were poor, low achieving schools. For me, teaching at the elementary level was a disaster. I was the one who could never have an orderly classroom or a smooth line of children going to lunch. It was humiliating. I would see young twenty-something teachers who just rolled out of college have a more peaceful classroom than I did. A few administrators and peer teachers who observed me would remark, "I don't know why you have these problems. You say and do the same things as a teacher with excellent classroom management but you don't get the same results."

What am I getting at here? There must be more to classroom management than meets the eye. Whe...See More
Leah Thanks for sharing Elena

> Why don't administrators take more time to evaluate this? They don't want to spend the time or perhaps they are really too busy. >Why do they express such dislike for us? It's not fair, but they have sooo many teachers to choose from that they take the easy route. >Why aren't there support groups for te...See More
Oct 29, 2010
TeacherMom Thank you, Thank yo, Thank you. I am so glad that you voice what some of us know and not able to describe.

I had posted this on another chat board and want to share with you about school culture as important fact in teacher success.

My daughter's 4th grade teacher have excellent system of rewarding. After several weeks of schoo...See More
Oct 29, 2010
Sara Your thoughts are excellent ones. No teacher is the right teacher for every school. No school is the right school for every teacher to be teaching in.

And yes, teachers struggling with classroom management are given formulaic answers. And no answer is the right answer for every teacher. I entered middle school teaching in my early 40s and ...See More
Oct 29, 2010
Judith Dear Elena,

I think part of the problem with principals not understanding different teaching styles and different discipline styles is that principals don't get enough training in personnel management, and that principals are just people with a different degree and certification.

I came to teaching with a Bachelor of Business Ad...See More
Oct 29, 2010
Mshope To the OP,

I think you are right. It is not always the teacher. I think the biggest thing that helps me in the classroom is that I can be entertaining and I have a passion for what I am teaching. When I am teaching something that I feel is stupid or boring, then I lose them...Being funny and slightly shocking at times works for me.
...See More
Oct 31, 2010

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